Thursday, February 10, 2011

Airports and Luggage Tags

4 hours of packing and 84 lbs. later and I think I'm ready to head off. Packing was quite the event and if I were doing this for a game show I would totally have just gotten 500+ bonus points for creativity alone! After passing the "Have You Packed This..." quiz with flying colors courtesy of my great father I feel I'm set and ready to leave. I mean, I even thought of the nail clipper ;) It'll be 82 degrees and rainy when I arrive quite different from the sub zero temperatures and heavy snow we've gotten so accustomed too this winter. I'm getting most excited to start classes and stop drifting, I feel like I've been limboing between stages and meaninglessly filling my time with nothing long lasting.

My flight departs at 1:45 on Feb 11th and I arrive in Brisbane at 7:45 Feb 13th. Skippin' a day, how's that for a mind warp. If anybody tries to convince you that time travel isn't possible I'd like to show them different. I really do have to thank my gracious parents, caring grandparents, lovely aunt and Godmother Nancy, along with the rest of my family and friends for the support they've given and shown me for this Aussie commence.

Be great, be blessed, be happy!

Here's to hoping the luggage doesn't get lost,


  1. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read about all of your adventures. I'll be praying for you.

  2. I love the photos of you with your bags! I am sooo not that strong, so good for you! Next stop, airport golf carts?!

  3. Well, you've landed by now. I looked at the forecast for Cairns and looks to be in high 80's low 90's all week. Hope you didn't have too many misadventures getting there and are already having a fantastic time!!
    Love Mom

  4. Hope your flight there was uneventful and your toe got even smaller :) I'm glad that you will have the internet and this blog and facebook and all to keep you connected to people while you're there. When I did a semester abroad during college, I wound up feeling very isolated. It was wonderful, but I felt cut off from my family and friends. I pray that you will be connected to people both there and back home! We are thinking of you, Leah :)
